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#82 | Nathan Orchard - Finding The Middle Way

#82 | Nathan Orchard - Finding The Middle Way

If you need a certain outcome to be happy, are you really happy?

Nathan Orchard is a Black belt under Eddie Bravo of 10th planet Jiu-Jitsu, he is a Jiu-Jitsu teacher at 10th planet Seattle, and Nathan has won various competitions of international acclaim. Nathan has put a great deal of thought into his practice of martial arts, exploring his consciousness and how we move through life. You can check out his classes at 10th planet Seattle and find his upcoming competitions @10thplanetseattle and @nateorch10p

I love looking for the natural compounds and leading research to optimize my health and wellness. Over the years, I’ve frequently turned to CBD to optimize my recovery, reduce inflammation and compliment my exercise. I was unsatisfied with the lotions that were on the market whether it was unclear labeling/sourcing, overpowering scents or low potency so I started City Rain Co with my friend Alfred. If you enter BHP at checkout, you will receive 10% off of your order and help support the show. Learn more at Cityrainco

#83 | Thomas Nilsen - Cinematographer

#83 | Thomas Nilsen - Cinematographer

#81 | Richie Martinez - Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Break Dancer

#81 | Richie Martinez - Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt and Break Dancer