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#84 | Talking with children - Joey

#84 | Talking with children - Joey

This episode features Joey, a 6 year-old who is just beginning to grapple with life and articulate his experience.

I’m starting to bring on young guests - children of all ages to find out how they’re navigating life. It’s interesting to see a young person grappling with life and it’s very telling of our own inclinations as adults. I’ve learned a great deal of lessons from trying to teach children concepts by breaking it down to bare minimum. This extensive reworking of concepts has solidified my personal understanding which has inspired me to bring young guests on the show.

I don’t like to expose my son to public media, however, he has always wanted to be on an episode of my podcast. Enjoy!

#85 | Bud Jeffries - An Unconventional Life

#85 | Bud Jeffries - An Unconventional Life

#83 | Thomas Nilsen - Cinematographer

#83 | Thomas Nilsen - Cinematographer